my Generation

In this high speed, plugged in lifestyle, information overload is in full effect. my Generation creates a physical experience of saturation through high velocity and momentum that comes from the gut and extends beyond the reaches of the hand. Prepare to be swept up in its vortex.

Funding for my Generation and the school performances for Moffet Elementary School (Philadephia, PA) was made possible by the Puffin Foundation and the generous contributions from: Michelle Brodeur, Sharon & Art Divell, Lea Deutsch, fidget, Lee Fogel, Anna Gonzalez, Charles & Barbara Grunden, Jan Grauman Neander, Susan Hayward, Susan & Peter Herchenroether, Beckie & Jim Hess, Makoto Hirano, Gina Hoch-Stall, Caitlin Koerber, Sarah Konner, Anita Kumar & Nile Chang, Lela Aisha Jones, Marjory Levitt, Tom & Sylvia McDowell, Rachel Merz & Brian Clark, Meg Perry, Pam & Bill Pish, Lil & Ben Pubols, Melissa Rodis, Dorothy Spaulding, Rick Speer & Judith Frost, Bob & Ewa Stein, Leah Stein, Jane Stojak, Liz Strong, Anne Suomi, and Steve Weisz &